"Cretan Soutzoukia", Grape Must and walnuts candy.

Creta Maris

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On Wednesday, August 22nd, Creta Maris Beach Resort organized an interactive confectionery lesson, presenting its visitors "Soutzoukia" as part of the hotel's "We do local" activities.
This action, which took place on the hotel's organic field, aimed to revive a custom of Crete and to spread the gourmet culture of the island to the visitors of Creta Maris. Under the guidance of Mrs. Theano Metaxa, wife of Nicholas Metaxas, founder of the Metaxas Group, has made one of the finest and most delicious Cretan desserts, Soutzoukia. Ms. Theano Metaxas explained: "Soutzoukia is a dessert made with nuts (preferably half walnuts), must, a fine thread, love, sun and air! They can be preserved for a long time, so in the past, we used to make them during the summer to enjoy them in the winter."
This action offered guests the opportunity to taste a dessert and live a real experience of the place they have visited, its people, and the raw materials Crete produces.

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